I found this model online and was struck not only by her lean, muscular body, but also by her sense of self, as reflected in the confident, athletic poses she presents to us. Here’s ten images that are sure to inspire a Great Nude from one of you artists!
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Nude Yoga Poses
Nude Yoga poses that are perfect for artists’ studying anatomy and lighting in non-traditional poses. Excellent references for life drawing. Imagine your model floating in space?
Life Model: Long, Lean Female
These photos of a long, slender model posing on a pedestal are well lit and allow for good shadow studies. These poses are actually interesting and the poses quite graceful, even though the model has a predictably perfect physique.
Carisha by the Railroad Tracks
Carisha is a tall, blonde, wholesome, athletic model who is playful with her poses. Here, she uses these railroad tracks as her props. All are wonderful references for drawing the Nude.