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Jeffrey Wiener: Shared Spaces
Jeffrey Wiener: Shared Spaces “In this series of artworks I am exploring the psychological and spiritual dynamics within human relationships through these figurative stagings. I am trying to illustrate a couple’s true relationship, to create a visualization of their power-sharing reality. While these works seem erotic at first glance, because the couples are stripped of their […]
Behind The Curtain at Mark Miller Gallery
The idea that an artist hires others to create their works is not a new phenomenon. Some think the practice began with Warhol because he was so blatant about the use of assistants to create mass-produced works. But even with masters such as Rubens and Raphael, the use of assistants to produce artworks is an old practice. Whatever […]
The Chesley Bonestell Documentary: I had a Hand in that!
I actually had a Hand in this documentary! Just my hand, drawing a model…, but what a performance! Many of you Movie Fans might be familiar with Chelsea Bonestell’s fantastic backdrop paintings for the Hunchback of Notre Dame, Citizen Kane, and War of the Worlds. And, some SciFi Fans might know that this talented artist […]